Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday, April 29, 2019
92 minutes

     1.   Complete survey for statistics class
      2.   Small groups: Discuss the homework article about Judith Butler: “Think Gender is a Performance?”  Use your three quotes and three questions to conduct your discussion 
     3.   Share out to the whole class /discuss 
     4.   View Judith Butler “Your Behavior Creates your Gender” 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019
76 minutes

       Learning Targets: I can think critically about representations of gender in advertisements
I can discuss and analyze an article with my classmates

HOMEWORK FOR NEXT Monday, April 29:  Read and annotate and write a response paper on “I Won. I’m Sorry,” by Mariah Burton Nelson. Submit into Google Classroom BEFORE THE START OF CLASS. Use the “Reading the Text” questions at the end of this article to help you to frame your response paper. Also, this article originally appeared in 1998. Is Nelson’s argument still relevant /accurate 20 years later? Use the Google to search for confirmation and/or counterarguments. 5

Last time, we talked about whether or not The Codes of Gender was critical of femininity and of female athletes who are portrayed in sexual ways, and in ways that male athletes are not. Is the documentary critical of “femininity” and sexuality or is it critical of the ways in which advertisements / media represent femininity in very sexually narrow and stereotypical ways? Is it critical of women wanting to be sexual or is it critical of the narrow ways in which feminine sexuality is represented and reinforced through advertisements? The problem is that “sexy” or “hot” is expressed through poses that are frivolous, childlike, submissive, and dependent. The question should be posed: is feminine sexuality naturally submissive and vulnerable or is this a cultural / social construction? And what are the consequences for women and men to have this representation of female sexuality / femininity so prominently featured in media? Why should female athletes feel compelled to present themselves as posing in ways that are coded as sexually available and submissive? 5 (10)

1.   Finish Killing Us Softly 4 (take notes in notebook, titled “Notes on Killing Us Softly”) 
2.   Free-Write: Title this “Response to Killing Us Softly, April 25, 2019”: In your notebook, write your thoughts and responses to the argument that Jean Kilbourne makes 
3.   Discuss video in small groups and as a whole class 

HOMEWORK FOR NEXT Monday, April 29:  Read and annotate and write a response paper on “I Won. I’m Sorry,” by Mariah Burton Nelson. Submit into Google Classroom BEFORE THE START OF CLASS. Use the “Reading the Text” questions at the end of this article to help you to frame your response paper. Also, this article originally appeared in 1998. Is Nelson’s argument still relevant /accurate 20 years later? Use the Google to search for confirmation and/or counterarguments. 5

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday, April 23, 2019
92 minutes

      1.   In small groups, share your Response Paper  in which you evaluate and analyze the video The Codes of Gender and the article “Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes.”   Discuss the  degree to which these two pieces make a convincing argument that gender is socially and culturally constructed, rather than being “natural.” 

 .   View and take notes on Killing Us Softly 4Title your notes “Killing Us Softly 4 Notes, April 17 2018.” 
     Homework: read article about Judith Butler: “Think gender is a Performance?” Take notes on the article and choose three quotes and create three questions for a class discussion on Thursday, April 25

Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday, April 19, 2019
70 minutes
Return BTWM
1.   Announcement: GOALSS summit April 24
2.   Culture Corner:
3.   Finish viewing The Codes of Gender. Take notes using the sheet provided
HOMEWORK DUE TUESDAY, APRIL 23: Write a Response Paper in which you evaluate and analyze the video "The Codes of Gender" and the article “Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes.”   Consider evaluating and analyzing the degree to which these two pieces make a convincing argument that gender is socially and culturally constructed, rather than being “natural.” Detailed guidelines for Response Papers are linked in Classroom.

Begin viewing Playing Unfair: Media Image of Female Athletes

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019
92 minutes

1.   Small groups: share and discuss the reading / questions (Aaron Devor’s “Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes”)
2.   Groups: Discuss the quotes on the handout. What are the implications of these claims/observations?:
3.   Whole class discussion
4.   View more of The Codes of Gender. Take notes using the sheet provided (5th got to ch.8, 7th = ch. 8; 8th=ch. 5?

HOMEWORK DUE IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM TUESDAY, April 23:  Write a Response Paper in which you evaluate and analyze the video The Codes of Gender and the article “Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes.”   Consider evaluating and analyzing the degree to which these two pieces make a convincing argument that gender is socially and culturally constructed, rather than being “natural.”

Monday, April 15, 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019
92 minutes

1.   Register for PCC credit:
Registration is now open until April 15

Reminder: If you are going to be going for PCC WR121 credit you need to register for this class by April 15.
·       All work must be submitted on time (unless you pre-arrange a late submission at least two days in advance.) This is non-negotiable.
·       Tests and other summative essays/projects cannot be revised for a better grade: the original grade is the grade that stands for PCC credit. This is non-negotiable.  
2.   Share your findings from magazines
3.   View the first half of The Codes of Gender. Take notes using the sheet provided 
4.   Discuss video and compare the ideas presented to what we noticed in the magazine ads
HOMEWORK DUE Wednesday, April 17: Read, annotate, and summarize Aaron Devor’s “Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes.” ALSO: respond to the questions that appear at the end of this article (they are marked on your copy)

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday, April 9, 2019
92 minutes

Registration is now open until April 15

Reminder: If you are going to be going for PCC WR121 credit you need to register for this class by April 15.
·       All work must be submitted on time (unless you pre-arrange a late submission at least two days in advance.) This is non-negotiable.
·       Tests and other summative essays/projects cannot be revised for a better grade: the original grade is the grade that stands for PCC credit. This is non-negotiable. 

      1.   Free-write: Based on our readings and discussions, how would you define and characterize the term “intersectionality?” Give one example of intersectionality that you know about (consider using an example from Between the World and Me or from the larger world.)
       2.   Share in pairs/groups and then as a whole class. 
       3.   Watch and take notes on Kimberle Crenshaw’s TED Talk 
       4.   Read “Why Intersectionality Can’tWait” by Kimberle Crenshaw. DUE MONDAY, APRIL 15: In Google Classroom, write a response to this article and TED Talk. 

       5.   Free-write: “What is gender? April 9 2019”:
·       What is gender? Define this word. What are some examples you could give of what gender is if you were trying to explain the concept to an alien from another planet that has no such concept.
·       What is feminine/femininity? Be specific and give examples.
·       What is masculine/ masculinity? Be specific and give examples.
·       How do you know that these things are “feminine” and “masculine?”  
         6.   Share out
HOMEWORK: Due Tuesday, April 9:
Homework due Tuesday, April 9: Choose ONE of these options:
·       Bring to class a magazine that targets one gender (such as Maxim or jane or GQ or Vogue.) Study the articles and advertising in your magazine and analyze the gender roles that are assumed for men and women. List the major roles that you find. What patterns do you find? Be prepared to share your findings in small groups on Friday, April 6.
·       Use a search engine such as Yahoo! Or Google to research what issues are considered “male” and “female” territory on the internet. Focus your search on a comparison of specific topics, such as “men’s rights” and “women’s rights.” Be prepared to share your findings in small groups on Tuesday, April 9.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tuesday, April 2, 2019
92 minutes
Registration is now open until April 15

     1.   Today, we will fine-tune the senior thesis by following the steps in this document: Fine Tuning Your Senior Thesis (which is also posted in Google Classroom)
     2.   After we work through the fine-tuning steps as a class, you should work on your own to revise and refine your senior thesis

*Senior Thesis is due THURSDAY, APRIL 4.
*Submit your thesis into Google Classroom
*Also, submit your Updated Annotated Bibliography into Google Classroom
*Finally, there will be a self-reflection on your thesis that will be completed in Google Classroom